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to complete, cost-effective, endpoint security.

Fellow I.T. Jedi: This May the Fourth, rebel against overpriced security in the fight against cyberthreats.

ThreatDown replaces competitive point products
with one single, cost-effective, and easy-to-use endpoint security solution.

© 2024 Malwarebytes

T H R E A T D O W N    B U N D L E S:


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See ThreatDown in action


A La Carte Point Products

Multiple agents, consoles, integrations, and vendors


  • Incident response
  • Next-gen AV
  • Device control
  • Block unwanted applicaitons
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Ransomware Rollback
  • Endpoint Detection & Response
  • Patch Management
  • Automated Threat Hunting
  • Managed Detection & Response


The Other Side

per device / year


Management cost and hours
Security Advisor - unavailable


average price**

ThreatDown Elite

Complete, integrated protection through a single, lightweight agent

Incident response


Next-gen AV

Block unwanted applications

Vulnerability Assessment

Ransomware Rollback

Endpoint Detection & Response

Patch Management

Automated Threat Hunting

Managed Detection & Response

Security Advisor


Device control

per device / year

Save 50% >

A La Carte Point Products

Multiple agents, consoles, integrations, and vendors



The Other Guys

per device/year


PLUS: Management cost and hours
Security Advisor - unavailable

average price**

ThreatDown Elite

Complete, integrated protection through a single, lightweight agent



per device/year

Save 50% >

This is the Way

to Complete, Cost-Effective, Endpoint Security

R E Q U E S T  A  D E M O

See ThreatDown in action with a live demo. Fill out the form to get started.