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Reduce Costs and

Defend with Ease


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Reduce Costs and 
Defend with Ease

Watch our Q2 Roadmap Webinar

In our Q2 Roadmap Webinar, we unveil the key findings from our latest report, ‘The Cost of Complexity.’ Discover how your organization can reduce costs and simplify its security stack with our latest product updates, including cutting-edge AI enhancements and Ransomware Rollback features.

How security stacks have become so complex: Understand the evolution of IT security stacks and why they have become so intricate over time.

About the webinar

Why complexity is detrimental to an organization’s cybersecurity posture: Learn about the hidden costs and risks associated with overly complex security systems.

How ease of use can help alleviate the burden: See how simplifying your security tools can free up valuable time and resources for your IT team.

What you'll learn

7 tips to decrease complexity and increase security: Gain practical advice on streamlining your security measures without compromising effectiveness.

Why attend?

The Cost of Complexity report pulls back the curtain on the burden of complex security stacks on organizations and IT teams. Attendees will learn about the effects of ‘big game’ ransomware on the cybersecurity landscape and the importance of prioritizing their IT team’s limited time with simpler security stacks and vetting legacy security protocols. 

Streamline Security: